Sunday, October 25, 2009

Announcements -

Be forewarned - these are totally random...

1. S509 Yearbook - Alhamdulillah, it's finally finished - phew! Managed to get the theme right - which is Doa Rabitah and Warisan (Legacy). May it touched the heart of those who read as it has touched mine. :) Still in the process of printing though - finally decided to print it myself at home because printing quality in school, is well, pathetic. Into my second black cartridge now...

2. Oh Lino! It is so difficult to write a happy ending! I am crying to write one! But I shall persevere and trying hard.... :) Now I truly need inspiring moments....

3. My two sons ( you people know which ones...!) are officially in love. With the burger-girl. Yup. You people might want to call it monkey love, or puppy love. It is not. I would prefer to call it 'patty love'. Yup. The way to these Mars' hearts is still their stomachs. Yes, Mary - we have gone back to the caveman era. It's clobbering, hair pulling time!

4. Raje, you're officially the darling of the 'umik'. Your post was a riot and your card belied a budding poet - chehwah! was blinking away me eyes and swallowing so hard after reading it...You should write more proses like that....

5. And yes, Zaimah - I don't think I deserve all that..but you are still one of the sweetest people around... :) don't give up, alright?

miss you all, gals...

Told you this was random....


  1. salaam mdm.:) hehe. darling of umik? boleh la. hehehe.. erm.. like a poet? haha. my english was bad rite? tsk tsk.:( actually paiseh juga nk kasi card tu. hehe. takut banyak error. heee.

  2. Haish...just realised I have comments..dear, I miss u much...bad or good English otherwise!
