Lest anyone thinks of Art as easy - well, just ask the trio when they took their paper last Tuesday! Five sheets of preparatory work sounds manageable, but translate that into sketches, direct observations,creative interpretation of resources and collating these into an original piece of work - well, what you get is three frantic people trying to complete everything before the exam starts at two. I came up to the class at about 1.30 p.m., wanting to say good byes and good luck and ended up looking at an upside-down class, littered with papers, papers, and more papers. There was the Artist, giving the finishing touches to his work. They look good. There was the Gentleman, having his hands all gluey. I like his photos. And of course, the Lady, looking resplendent in yellow - and cutting away at a neck, the waist, the head - trying to fit the photos in the drawings. Hers look uniqely ethnic. Two o'clock, and they still have not completed! It was panicky time! They somehow managed to complete EVERYTHING in five minutes, rushed off to the lift and I just had to send them off to Beatty. It was heart-stopping, but exhilarating as well - we reached the guard post at about 2.10 p.m. Alhamdulillah, they were allowed in. At about 6.00 p.m., while I was already in JB, Shah called to say they have all completed their paper. Phew! Thanks Shah for the call. You put my mind at ease.
And thanks Sakinah, Lino and Hanisah for your quiet support and for er, yes, helping to clear everything up after your friends left. :)
So, yes, another paper to go right? ;)
This time we'll finish on time, won't we?!
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