Tuesday, June 29, 2010

When WOmen forgot...

When thy forget
Thy tongues kill surely than the serpent's bite
Thy looks are deadlier than Medusa's eyes
Thy swaying gait puts the swaddling duck to hiding
Thy dressing up is a dressing down of decency
Thy shrieking laughter rang louder than the mocking hyenas
What a shame even if thy didnst know not!

Lest thy forget
Thy came from Adam's ribs - near to his heart
Thy perfected Adam in the already perfect Jannah
Thy soft hands cradle the goodness, the evils of the world
Thy gentle gaze can break the most hardened heart
Thy words, once truly spoken, can win wars without battles

Thy art the harbour for weary ships to anchor -
the fountain of solace
the river from which serenity flows
the garment made to clothe Man's honour
and a catalyst to Man's humanity

For this is thy fitrah
this is thy destiny...